Dead of Winter by Kresley Cole
5 out of 5 Stars
I swear I am falling more and more in love with this series with every
book that comes out. I don't really have anything that I would want to
change about it. There were a few small details that irked me, but other
than that, I was IN LOVE WITH THE BOOK. Note: if you don't like love
triangles, you may be annoyed with this book. But I would still read it
if I were you because there was still so much going on outside of the
romantic interests that you'd probably enjoy the book. Personally, I
love love triangles, so this was like the best kind of book I could have
asked for.
Before I go into my usual areas of reviewing-
the title confuses the hell out of me.
Um, I think we had two snowflakes, with the promise of more in the
future? The setting just didn't really seem winter-y to me, which makes
me wonder why it's called "Dead of Winter". Death is in the story, but
I'm pretty sure that is irrelevant to the title of the book. I was
expecting like a freaking blizzard or something, and it only snows at
the end of the book, so is the next one really in winter?
Why is this the title? I am so confused...
Damn girl, finally taking action and managing her own sh** at
the same time. Bravo. What I'm really interested in with her character
is her powers, because Aric kept saying that she is so much more
powerful than what she is using. And in this book, her powers extend
even more, but he still says that they are only a fraction of what Evie
can really do. The one thorn in my side (haha book humor) about her
character is that she chose Jack?? Erm, excuse me, Miss Greene? That
needs to change- pronto.
Clear statement: I don't hate Jack, I just don't want him to
be with Evie. Jack is an admirable character in this story, but I feel
like there is still so much about him that we don't know yet. I would
not be surprised in the slightest if he is the un-awakened Arcana. Even
if he isn't Arcana, he is still quite a fore to be reckoned with.
General of the army now, kills baggers like they're no problem, provides
for and leads hundreds of people..... yeah he's kinda awesome. His
biggest issues are his deceit and rashness (aka the main reasons he can
never really be with Evie). Gotta love his accent though.
I really love this character- he has some major issues in
modernity and how to behave, but that's because he's centuries old and
that's how he was raised and how he lived. BUT- he knows and
acknowledges this AND he's willing to work on it. Scratch that, he
working on it. I love how fiercely loyal he is to Evie and how much he
believes in her strength and capabilities, but still has her back if she
needs it. His bluntness can be pretty funny at times too. It's going to
be interesting to see what happens in this next book, because Evie
technically chose Jack (**hisses**), but he's possibly dead? And Aric
saved Evie. Plus he has her grandmother. I don't know, there are so many
aspects that are set up for the next book that there are too many wild
variables to predict anything.
I liked this book more than
Endless Knight I think
partially because there was a more defined plot line in this one. We had
this whole ordeal in the beginning, trying to save Jack from the
Lovers, and then Aric just rolls in and is like, "Lol, those were
clones", and the journey continues. Another thing that was slightly
introduced in this book was the presence/ lack of presence of the gods.
Since my biggest question remains, how are they going to end the game, I
think they might meet the gods? Face them head-on? Something- I think
that the gods are going to be flushed out with a bit more detail and
possible incorporated more corporeally into the story. I hope so at
least- that'd be pretty cool.
I love how the team is like exploring and taking charge of this
world After the Flash. They keep learning new things along with the
reader and we all get to experience this strange variation or echo of
what the old Earth was Before the Flash. Like I mentioned earlier, I
would really like to see this world expand to include more information
about the gods that created the game, if not actually include the gods
themselves. I still have no idea how on earth the team's gonna end the
game, because eventually only one Arcana will remain right? Even if the
others die of old age, there will still be one that is the last to die,
and then it begins again, no? So what's the loophole? Are they gonna
kick the asses of the gods? Cause that'd be kinda awesome
I NEED THE NEXT BOOK NOW! I will probably jump straight into
Arcana Rising after I finish writing this review. Or maybe
Day Zero,
I haven't decided yet. Either way, I'm really hoping that the books are
all going to be amazing after this one, cause it would suck if they
tapered off or devolved from here.
Thanks for reading!