Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Bellarke (The 100): A Ship in My Fleet

A Ship in My Fleet
From: The 100 by Kass Morgan
***I am not sure what I will be spoiling and/or from which books they could be from. Assume this whole post has spoilers***
Soooo..... where I'm at the the series (book 1), they aren't really a thing thing yet. But I'm a pro at shipping almost non-existent ships. There is backup for this one though! They had their kiss (one of the best parts) and they are sort of hovering around their feelings for each other. It kills me because this is one of those situations where they're both liking each other, but not saying anything because they're getting opposite signals from the other. Wrong signals, but still there. And they are going to be awesome once they happen in the series- because I have a feeling they will happen- and I will fully support it.

When I Started Shipping:
I am not entirely sure when I started shipping them, but I do. I think it may have been around the time that they were both walking around trying to find the medicine and they were talking about Earth stuff. Their previous misconceptions about personalities were knocked down and they learned that they had common ground between them. They seemed to get along well and then the kiss happened. So that kinda sealed the deal.
Favorite Cannon Moment:
That kiss!!! I approve I beyond approve. Approval can barely describe how happy it mad me and it makes me sound like a creep. But it was that moment when the pieces of their personalities clicked and I realized they'll be really good for each other. There were later moments too, when there wasn't anything actually happening, but it was their POVs and they were both just thinking about the other one. I thought those parts were really cute and adorable. It shows that neither of them are pretending or putting on a show.
Not going to lie, I love how he is so protective. It comes from him needing to protect his sister, but it is totally a part of his personality and I can definitely see that spreading into a relationship with Clarke. Not only that, but he genuinely wants to take care of people and has a natural sense of leadership.

I feel really bad for Clarke. She has had a tough time with her parents, and then trying to make the whole Earth thing happen. But she needs someone to rely on and confide in, and Bellamy is a perfect fit for that. He is so similar to her, but at the same time is like the opposite half of her, so there is a balance between the two of them.

Bellamy and Clarke are the kinds of people that are both independent, but they can work really well together and trust each other and be there for each other and make sure the correct decisions are made. Plus, he made Clarke feel better after her parents death, Wells's betrayal, being captive and exiled, etc. And she was able to get him to stop worrying about Octavia for a little while.

Ten Thousand Skies Above NO SPOILERS

Ten Thousand Skies Above by Claudia Gray NO SPOILERS
4 out of 5 Stars

Overall, I would have to say that I enjoyed the first book more than this one. And it is not because this one it bad, only that so much was being explained and was happening in the first that I feel like this one is slightly lacking in those regards. I do think it makes up for it in character development though. We get to see how the characters have so many different sides in the different universes, and yet those sides are still a part of each of them in every universe. This book also explores some really cool dimensions. My favourite would have to be the underground of New York because I find that stuff so interesting and I think it had some of the more action-filled plot points in it. :)

I would definitely read this and continue on with the series. I think maybe by the end of the trilogy, this may end up being my least favourite of the three, but there are some major things that go on that you can't miss. And the ending is amazing, yet tormenting.

Thanks for reading!

Ten Thousand Skies Above You by Claudia Gray Review WITH SPOILERS

Ten Thousand Skies Above You (Firebird, #2)

Overall, I would have to say that I enjoyed the first book more than this one. And it is not because this one it bad, only that so much was being explained and was happening in the first that I feel like this one is slightly lacking in those regards. I do think it makes up for it in character development though. We get to see how the characters have so many different sides in the different universes, and yet those sides are still a part of each of them in every universe. This book also explores some really cool dimensions. My favourite would have to be the underground of New York because I find that stuff so interesting and I think it had some of the more action-filled plot points in it. :)

I would definitely read this and continue on with the series. I think maybe by the end of the trilogy, this may end up being my least favourite of the three, but there are some major things that go on that you can't miss. And the ending is amazing, yet tormenting.


Things I Liked:
~The Conley romance. Not gonna lie, this weirded me out at first, but then as the book progresses, it made more and more sense and I love it. Not as much as I love Paul and Marguerite though... Again, there is great character development her for Conley that, at least for me, changes how I saw him.
~The deeper morality conflict. The initial conflict of entering and taking over somebody's body is definitely a big deal in the first book, but even more so here when we see more of how those actions have consequences on the other person's life when the traveler leaves. Especially with Marguerite. You will know what I mean when you finish...
~Marguerite's character development was really different now that I think about it. It wasn't typical in that we see aspects of her in her alternate versions' selves, and then how they are also in the main character Marguerite's.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Review: Ignite Me

My rating: 5 of 5 stars 
Ignite Me
I know that these books are received usually in extremes: people either hate them or love them. I think all of them are completely amazing. There were five main things that made it stand out to me.....

1. The writing style. I can see how it annoys some people with the broken sentences and weird spacings but I think the it's brilliant. It adds another creative piece to the story that further emphasizes Juliette's way of thinking, helping connect the reader to her as a person. It makes reading the book even more interesting because it shows the instability and passion that lies behind the characters and story.

2. The whole thing flowed so well together and it was relatively easy to follow (yet not too easy). There were no awkward moments where you had no idea what was going on and you were completely lost. While there were a few surprising moments, it all still fit in with the plot line of the story. I almost want to say that it flowed too smoothly, because there was so much going on that I feel like the end got cut short. There was this major preparation and plotting, etc., etc.; and then like 3 chapters to finish off the Supreme Commander. But other than that, the whole thug worked really well and everything came together really nicely on the end. (Nicely being a relative word- there were a few upsetting parts)

3. How the characters developed. They also just evolved and grew so much and there were so many different aspects of them shown that changes the way you see them. I love these changes because not only if they show more of the characters, but they make them seem more human. Especially when it comes to Adam and Aaron. They just completely develop new traits that are exposed to the reader in the most perfect way. The way she further brings the characters to life in this book really connect the reader to them, which leads me to my next point....

4. The characters themselves. ***coughKenjicough*** Need I say more?

5. WARNETTE!!!!!!!!!!! I love this pairing and the book just made me soooooo happy!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

Thanks for reading!

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Review: Unravel Me

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
No Spoilers
Unravel Me
Pure genius.

Unravel Me picks up right where Shatter Me left off, going right back into world of The Reestablishment and Juliette's story. If you are reading this you have probably read Shatter Me and don't need anymore encouragement to continue with the series. However, if for some reason there are doubts in your head that the series will stop being awesome, get rid of them.
Part of why I love this series is because it kept escalating throughout the second book. It is so original in this sense because there are so many major twists and additions to the plot that you are literally compelled to keep going.

Thanks for reading!

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Review: Shatter Me NO SPOILERS

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Shatter Me
I can guarantee that there is no other book like this. The plot is original, the characters are beautifully crafted, and the world leaves your head spinning. The only thing that some people may get caught up on or annoyed with is the writing style. Personally, I think it is remarkable that Tahereh Mafi was able to write so uniquely and powerfully. There are truths that ring through her words and they will resonate within you. If you don't read it for the thrilling story, read it for what it can teach you.

Thanks for reading!

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Monday, July 25, 2016

Torn by Jennifer Armentrout Review WITH SPOILERS

Torn by Jennifer Armentrout
5 out of 5 Stars

The feels.... The FEELS! Not only was this book really good (4.75 stars if you want to be specific), but there were like sucker punches of feels one right after another. I am very pleased to say that there was barely of that second book slump in Torn, and I loved returning to New Orleans and seeing the Order in action again. Jennifer Armentrout is a master at spinning stories with modern-day references and funny quips thrown into a dangerous situations. It was amazing. Truly. There good times and bad, funny times and sad ones, and it was all amazing.

Ivy: I was so proud of her when she told Ren that she was a halfling. In the first part of the book I had a sinking sensation that if she didn't tell him, then it would get really bad, really fast, when Ren did find out. She has gone through so much in this book. It is going to be interesting to see how this affects her in the last book.

Ren: REN!!!! You knew he was with the fae when he went missing. But it was a thousand times worse when Ivy is actually in the house and Ren was tied up to a wall with bites all over him. I don't blame him for being distracted with Ivy's news and being taken, and I think he is actually a really good guy for still loving Ivy and putting his job and life at risk in doing so.

Tink: Bomb drop of the book: he can be human sized! I adore Tink and how much he values his friendship with Ivy and how loyal he is to her. Plus he's hilarious.

Faye: I don't have much to say about her, but I hope she ends up all right in the last book. She was really nice and it took a lot of bravery to break Ivy out of the prince's house.

I want to go to New Orleans.... so badly. I'm not sure I would want to live there, but it is definitely a place that I want to visit. With the fae tie-in, Jennifer Armentrout has turned the city with another level of interesting. I really like the information that winter took over summer and that they are destroying worlds because it gets too cold. A part of me would go up to the prince and tell him that he is incredibly stupid. What did he think would happen when he broke the balance between summer and winter?

I really love the references to actual TV shows and things. She writes them in in funny ways and most of the time, I get them! There's something else about her writing too. She is just a really good story teller and the words blend together and you can see what's happening unfold behind your eyes.
If you have read Wicked, the first book in this series, you probably want to read Torn. I'm not entirely sure if you could NOT want to continue reading. If you're still hesitant about it, I highly encourage you to keep going and pick this one up. If you haven't read this series yet, feel free to do so. You will not be disappointed. Or read any of Jennifer Armentrout's books- they are all lovely and fun.

Thanks for reading!