

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Movies of 2019

2019 Movies That I Am Excited For

13526165Below are some of the movies that are currently set to come out during this year that I can't wait to see! *** means that this is an adaptation from a book.

Ashes in the Snow *** (January 11)
Captain Marvel (March 8)
The Aftermath *** (March 15)
Where'd You Go, Bernadette *** (March 22)
Five Feet Apart *** (March 22)
Dumbo (March 29)
Avengers: Endgame (April 26)
Aladdin (May 24)
The Sun Is Also a Star *** (May 17)
Rocketman (May 31)
4038952728763485Spider-Man: Far From Home    (July 5)
Men In Black: International (July 14)
The Lion King (July 19)
Artemis Fowl *** (August 9)
Downton Abbey (September 20)
17333223The Woman in the Window *** (October 4)
The Goldfinch *** (October 11)
Little Women *** (December 25)

There will probably be more releases during this year that end up being amazing, but there are a couple on here that I am already hoping do really well, like The Aftermath-- that one looks like it's going to be amazing and I hope it actually is. But there's also Little Women coming out, starring Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, and Timothee Chalamet and Downton Abbey starring all the favs, so it's going to be a good year no matter what.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Image result for winter book photography#Begin As You Mean To Go On

Scrolling through the internet can be a distracting thing, or it can be a wonderful thing. One of the trends that I've stumbled across is from the author Leigh Bardugo (great books, go check them out) and it's called #BAYMTGO, or Begin As You Mean To Go On. And from what I can see it's just beginning the new year right by setting aside 15 minutes toward whatever resolution or goal you have for the new year.

I just wanted to say thanks! I think this is a great idea and I'm definitely going to be setting aside my own 15 minutes. I wrote out a whole bunch of stuff for 2019 earlier, but I think this will be a good step in starting off on the right foot. Thank you again to Leigh Bardugo for this and I hope the year is off to a good start for everyone!

Thanks for reading!